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Colditz  - BBC DVD collection 

The Late Brian Degas Devised and Created the Colditz BBC Tv series 28 episodes with MCA Universal co- Production in 1972-1974

Colditz was named best BBC TV Series,

Best British TV Series, Best Design and

Best Music with a record viewing of

18 Million in the United Kingdom each week

and screened in 47 Different Countries 

Picture of Dene Degas and Brian Degas

his wife for the last 31 years together.

Mr Colditz Contact:

Brian Degas died 3rd April 2020

Producer and writer and Merchandiser

best know for his work on Barbarella (1968)

The Saint (1962) Colditz TV series 28 episodes

1972 - 1974   

Virtual Murders (1992)

Random House representing Gloria Swanson

Major Book Deal (1980)





Mrs Dene Degas and Mr Brian Degas 31 Years
Married together.

Colditz BBC TV Series Devised and Created

By: Brian Degas Also owner of Escape from Colditz Board Game with Osprey Publishing

Colditz BBC TV Series

Mrs Dene Degas and Brian Degas

Rare Selection of First Edition
books for Sale
Phone 07970 120 018



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